Legal Tender - Currency inspired Playing Cards

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Re: Legal Tender - Currency inspired Playing Cards

Mensaje por rave » 06 Jun 2017 15:40

Parece que las primeras impresiones no son buenas, al menos en el foro de UC
I just got my mixed brick of Legal Tender decks, and this is the most disappointed I've ever been with a deck produced by Jackson. It's even worse than the whole Moriarty v.1 debacle. We already know about the whole holographic foil screw up and the tardiness in which Jackson informed us about no holo foil (or any foil), but I'm discovering so many new issues I almost don't know where to begin.

The most unforgivable aspect of this deck is that it fans like utter crap. I'm talking way worse than even Global Titans, which were, up until this point, the worst deck from EPCC/LPCC. I'm talking way way worse than any deck with foiling, and these infamously don't have any foil. I'm not exaggerating when I say I have some novelty decks that I've bought for less than a dollar that fan better than these decks. Both the U.S. and China currency versions are equally bad. I'm actually offended that Jackson charged us $16.00 per deck shipped for this unacceptable low level of quality.

The tuck boxes feel very flimsy, the stock feels thin and the tucks have some sort of coating that's somewhere between glossy and matte that feels cheap. The embossing is poor on the US version. The simpler outline of embossing doesn't match well with the detail of the printing, and there's a minor error in the embossing on the back of the tuck where there's embossing for the date banner that's found on the front of the tuck, but not present on the back design, yet the embossing is there despite the lack of the date banner on the back. Again, while its a minor embossing error, it lends to the feeling that something isn't quite right with the overall embossing of the whole deck. In the KS renders, both tucks showed fancy deck seals, especially for the Chinese version, but none of the decks have any deck seals. Now I've been on record in saying I really don't care for deck seals, but in this instance, it just makes me wonder where all the money went in producing this overpriced deck? We didn't get foiling (holo or otherwise), these were printed in a cheaper overseas factory (China?), and now they don't even have seals. So exactly what the #@%$ were we charged $16.00 per deck for? Apparently for the privilege funding his damn YouTube videos...

The background color on the face cards are different for each suit. Noticeably different. So noticeably different that I have fears these decks may possibly be rendered unplayable. The Spades are purple, the Hearts are green, the Diamonds are pink, and the Clubs are beige. Thankfully when the cards are face down and you push/spread a stack slightly to one side, all the colors are the same. But if you have a stack face up and push/spread the stack slightly to one side, it is very obvious what the suits are by the colors you see. Again, I'll have to play with these on a poker night to see if the cards can be flashed in any way during normal play where the suits of the cards may be revealed or not. The Chinese deck has obvious colored faces by suit as well.

The Ace of Spades for both the US deck and Chinese deck are pretty bad. The large center spades are just empty, which badly clashes with the ornate design all around them. The spades as they are just look out of place. I can only guess that the large center spades were supposed to receive some type of (holo) foil treatment, but since Jackson failed to incorporate the foil, this is what we were left with, a void in the center spades.

The bottom of the tucks indicate these were made in Taipei. In his updates, it certainly sounded like the cards were made in China, but when I asked him in the comment section if he would confirm these are printed in China, he never answered me. At this point I don't know if I would believe anything Jackson tells me about the Legal Tender decks anyway. If these were in fact printed in China, then mystery solved as to the exceptionally poor quality of the handling of the cards. They fan like China produced novelty decks. But if these were in fact printed in Taiwan, then I don't know if I can trust EPCC/LPCC decks anymore, even if they were printed in Taiwan.

Are there any positives to this deck? Well, the art is good on the court cards and backs for both the US and Chinese versions, and there is a little bit of foil on the tucks and a little bit of interior tuck printing, but precious little else to justify the cost we paid and the length of time we had to wait before being disappointed with the actual decks. If I walked into a shop and saw these decks and handled them, I wouldn't even pay $8.00 per deck for this quality, and we all paid double that for broken promises of ground-breaking bells and whistles. I mean, I figured we were screwed over already by not getting holo foiling, but I didn't expect to be let down to this massive degree.

I can almost hear Jackson's smug voice telling me to return them for a refund if I don't like them. Screw you, Jackson, these pieces of crap aren't worth my trouble of repacking all the decks and making a trip out to the post office to return them. I was inconvenienced enough having to wait all these months to get the decks in the first place, I refuse to be put out any further by these decks. I don't know if I'll ever back a Kickstarter project by Jackson ever again.
I received my decks today but haven't opened them. As I've stated here and on the campaign page, I didn't care so much about the foiling as about the feel of the cards. Jackson did say that they would be made in China and that concerned me. It seems my worst fears have come to pass. I bought two of each, which really stretched my budget. I did this based on Jackson's track record and reputation. After this, I think I'm done with JR projects. Thanks to sinjin for that honest review.

BTW, I had sent him a PM on KS saying that only wanted 1 of each and a refund for the other two. I never got a reply so I decided to let it go in the hopes that the cards wouldn't be as bad as I was afraid they would be. Live and learn, I guess.
Yup- that's Jackson's MO. "Take it or leave it, your opinion doesn't matter." But you won't hear his smug voice on this forum :lol: :lol: The truth hurts I guess.
I have to agree with every point sinjin made on this deck. I've never been disappointed with a JR deck until this one. The fanning is horrible, the different color background for each suit raises all kinds of issues, the cards have an almost 'plastic' feel to them (to me, at least)... very annoyed with how much we paid for these vs what we received as the final product. ... 00#p118277
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Re: Legal Tender - Currency inspired Playing Cards

Mensaje por tramp » 06 Jun 2017 16:12

Yo estoy superagradecido de no ser fan de Jackson. Ahorro un montón de dinero, y no me doy disgustos. ;-)
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Re: Legal Tender - Currency inspired Playing Cards

Mensaje por pablo19 » 06 Jun 2017 16:24

Sí, yo también me alegro ahora de haber pedido reembolso!

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Re: Legal Tender - Currency inspired Playing Cards

Mensaje por max » 06 Jun 2017 16:54

A ver,

lo que le ha pasado a Jackson, le puede pasar a cualquiera, ese no es el problema. El problema real es lo que cada uno se puede permitir y cómo lo gestiona.

Jackson es un tipo con una comunidad muy fiel detrás. Ha hecho ganar mucho dinero a mucha gente gracias a la reventa de sus barajas y eso ha contribuido mucho a su popularidad. Además, ha sido capaz de mantener esa extraña distancia altiva (desde mi punto de vista intolerable pero desgraciadamente común) que le ha convertido en alguien inaccesible, y eso alimenta el mito. Una actitud con sus seguidores que contrasta con una (a mi modo de ver) desatinada exposición pública de sus sentimientos negativos. Demasiadas contradicciones (y eso que yo soy el tipo más "raro" del mundo).

El Jackson que comenzó con las Federal era un Jackson apasionado, lleno de ilusión, comunicativo y con muchas ganas de comerse el mundo. Con su éxito, se lo pudo comer, pero se le indigestó, y la pasión por dar lo mejor a sus seguidores fue perdiendo fuelle frente a la ambición por la pasta (de la que se gasta). Cada proyecto ha sido una vuelta de tuerca en ese proceso, un aro por la que todos (menos Tramp) hemos ido entrando, en la búsqueda, por un lado, de esa exclusividad y, por otro, esa absurda sensación de inversión en un valor al alza (que está más a la baja que nunca). Yo lo lamento (y lo he lamentado mucho durante años) porque conocí a Jackson en sus comienzos (y esto ya sé que suena a cuento del abuelo Cebolleta) y le he seguido discretamente a lo largo de todos estos años, con una decepción detrás de otra. Siento mucho que haya tomado ese camino, y que haya sido el referente de otros, ya que no creo que sea alguien a imitar. Admiro su talento y lamento la manera en la que lo ha desperdiciado.

No me ha extrañado nada de lo que este usuario de UC comenta, absolutamente nada. Creo que esta campaña ha sido un fraude y también sé que la comunidad sabrá perdonárselo como lo ha hecho con todos sus despropósitos (promesas incumplidas, errores constantes, ...) anteriores. Nadie se lo puede permitir, pero Jackson mucho menos.

Seguiré comprando (o intentando conseguir) sus barajas porque soy un coleccionista, y disfruto leyendo la historia de un creador a través de sus naipes. Eso sí, echo de menos al Jackson accesible, generoso y apasionado que conocí hace años...
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Re: Legal Tender - Currency inspired Playing Cards

Mensaje por rave » 06 Jun 2017 19:16

Cada proyecto ha sido una vuelta de tuerca en ese proceso, un aro por la que todos (menos Tramp) hemos ido entrando
Yo creo que aquí está el truco. Casi todos las compramos para completar nuestra colección o por el supuesto valor que alcanzan en el mercado. Y no nos fijamos mucho en los detalles, sólo en el proyecto en general, de hecho al principio apenas hay un par de fotos de las cartas y el estuche. Por eso le funcionan las campañas de tiradas limitadas y no tuvo éxito al intentar lanzar una baraja de gran tirada a precio contenido.

Su apadrinado, Brendan, ha intentado seguir sus pasos copiando el modelo de campaña, pero como no ha tenido la "suerte" de lanzar un proyecto de éxito como las federal, fracasó en su último proyecto. Si en ese proyecto simplemente cambiamos el nombre por Jackson las ventas estarían aseguradas.

El mundillo del coleccionismo es así, como off-topic os recomiendo esta entrada de un coleccionista de video-juegos: ... o-del.html
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Re: Legal Tender - Currency inspired Playing Cards

Mensaje por pablo19 » 06 Jun 2017 21:45

Y lo tentado que estuve de reiniciar la transaccion cuando me llegó el vackerkit ( a pesar del reembolso) pensando que luego que acabarían saliendo mucho más caras igual!

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Re: Legal Tender - Currency inspired Playing Cards

Mensaje por AlexAtrapado » 15 Jun 2017 14:27

Vaya ni me enteré de que al final salieron, y no cogi ninguna
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Re: Legal Tender - Currency inspired Playing Cards

Mensaje por rave » 19 Jun 2017 10:51

Sobre $50 la baraja se están empezando a ver en ebay.
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Re: Legal Tender - Currency inspired Playing Cards

Mensaje por pablo19 » 30 Jun 2017 09:05

Ha piesto un video en instagram con alguién manejando las legal tender americanas diciendo que "parece que el stock y acabado no son tan malos #practicarmás". Ya es arrogancia muy obvia...

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Re: Legal Tender - Currency inspired Playing Cards

Mensaje por tramp » 30 Jun 2017 10:38

Hombre. Yo si hiciera un producto con cariño, y una de las pocas críticas favorables fuera : "No es tan malo", no me sentiría muy feliz. ;-)
Por lo demás entiendo que las barajas de Jackson son barajas de colección más que de uso. Salvo gente muy forrada, yo no entiendo lo de gastarte dinero en una baraja que te va a durar "unos días", habiendo barajas para "uso cotidiano" por menos de 4€ (y pongo 4 por no dejar fuera ninguna de las "baratas" que merecen la pena) que no sólo : "no son tan malas", sino que son buenísimas.
Aún estoy asimilando lo de la gente que paga más de 50€ por la baraja de la F (me encantó la denominación de Max xD) para hacer cardistry.
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Re: Legal Tender - Currency inspired Playing Cards

Mensaje por rave » 06 Jul 2017 20:45

Ya disponibles en la tienda de KWP, esta vez a un precio más parecidos a los de campaña, $16 una baraja o $30 el set de dos. En campaña eran $14.
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Re: Legal Tender - Currency inspired Playing Cards

Mensaje por rave » 04 Sep 2018 09:01

Después de dos años Jackson se digna a responder:
Yes, It has been almost been more than 2 years since this project ended but I wanted to come to this thread and speak openly and honestly about a specific issue that happened on this project. There were a lot of things that went wrong and very few things that went right with this project. Because of that, I pissed a lot of people off here on this forum and sadly probably ruined my reputation and respect some people had for me. All of the foiling and delays aside I wanted to address one specific issue and try to give you insight on what happened and express to you that no mal-intent was intended.

During the production of the Legal Tender both the cards and the tuck case, were originally planned and scheduled to be printed in Taipae. Well into the project if not after the factory in Taiwan made EPCC aware that they were not going to do the foiling. This issue led to EPCC switching the printing of the cards to a Mainland factory. However, the tuck cases had already been printed and the project was already extremely delayed. I chose to continue with production of the cards on the mainland.

When all was complete the Cards that were printed in China were placed in a box that said Printed in Taipae. The box was printed in Taipae but that didn't make it right for me to put the Chinese cards into the Taiwanese box.

I in no way meant to mislead miss represent myself or my product to anyone and I am very sorry if it did. This issue was brought to my attention by supporters who were simply looking out for my well being. Even if it is two years later I wanted to attempt to make the scar on my reputation right with you guys who support me and what I do.